Dark Elements Read-Along Wrap Up
Well, that was quick!
I'm so sad to see that this series is over. Did everyone get a chance to read ELB yet? I hope everyone loved it.
I'm a little disappointed in myself when it came to this read-along because I know I wasn't as involved as I wanted to be. Things just kind of got in the way in my own life and I just couldn't dedicate as much time as I wanted to it. I hope everyone understands. I want to thank everyone who signed up and participated. Whether it was one week, or all 8 weeks, I was happy to have you along for the ride.
Did you all have fun reading or rereading the books? How about those trivia questions? For some reason, I found it harder to come up with the questions this time around. There just wasn't enough "quick and easy" material to work with and I didn't want people spending too much time writing page-long essays, so I tried to find a good balance.
Anyways, we had 48 people sign up, which isn't bad, and about half of those who did manage to keep up with the questions each week, which is great. Now it's time to announce the winners:
- SIGNED copy of Every Last Breath (US & Intl): Bilge & Anna
- SIGNED copy of Scorched (US Only): Jaslyn
- SIGNED copy of Fall With Me (US Only): Brielle
- SIGNED swag packs (US & Intl): Sona & Chelsea
- ebook of Half-Blood: Sharon
- ebook of Forever With You: Fatima
I hope you all enjoyed the read-along and please join in me in all my future read-alongs, because you know Jen will keep pumping out those books! Join the Deity Island Read-Along FB group today!