More Daemon Black Coming Your Way!
You read that right, folks!All you DB lovers out there are will be happy to know that JLA is writing a Daemon Black POV book, titled Oblivion, that is a companion novel to her Lux series. And that it comes out Dec 2015! Fan-freaking-tastic!
Here are some details straight from JLA:
1. Yes, you are getting more of Daemon Black. Oblivion is a companion novel to the Lux Series. At this time, that’s all I can say about what part of the Lux Series you are actually getting ‘cuz that’s how I roll. Actually, you will probably know by May or so.
2. Oblivion will not be a complete rewrite just flipped into his POV. There will be new, never before seen material. And you will also see some of your favorite scenes flipped.
3. Oblivion will be available in the U.S. in digital and exclusive online print. Meaning you will be able to order the print book online from online vendors but you will not be able to purchase it in stores. Doing it this way allows for a quicker release for your guys, which means….
4. Yes, Oblivion is coming out in December of this year!
Want to know more? Check out her full blog post.
Who else is impatiently waiting for Daemon Black to rock their Christmas season this year?!

I was hoping we would get more Daemon, and well just more Lux in general. I'm so glad you posted this because I missed her blog post about it, Thank You!!!! OMGosh more Daemon YAY!!!