#JLARC November Wrap-Up
Another month has gone by in the JLARC. It's almost over!!!!
I hoped you enjoyed reading and reviewing The Covenant Series. I certainly enjoyed checking out all your reviews!
Here's the recap for this month's challenge:
Total Reviews: 49
Daimon Reviews: 8
Half-Blod Reviews: 11
Pure Reviews: 7
Deity Reviews: 13
Elixir Reviews: 10
Daimon Reviews: 8
Half-Blod Reviews: 11
Pure Reviews: 7
Deity Reviews: 13
Elixir Reviews: 10
That is so freaking awesome and I'm amazed at the turnout! I can tell readers really love the Covenant series!
And now for the winners of those oh-so-delish prizes:
Ebook copy of Tempting the Best Man Winners: Jackie @ Jackie's Bookbytes, Sharon @ My Little Cozy Corner, Sam @ Bookcrazed Reviews
Signed Elixir Poster & Daimon Bookmark Winner: Stephanie Z.
Signed Swag Winner: Dani @ A Walk on Words
Congrats to all the winners! Emails have been sent out and you have 48 hours to respond.
Don't forget the December JLARC is well underway and you can read and review any or all of Jen's books for chance to win a copy of Opal as well as other cool prizes!
Also, you can submit your burning questions for Jen's next Author Chat on 12/27 at 7:00PM EST!