Covenant Read-Along: Week 7
Welcome to Week SEVEN of The Covenant Series Read-Along. If you want to know more about the Read-Along, sign up for it, and get all the details, check out this page here. You'll find links to all the weekly posts on that page, too.
Missed last week's discussion? You can find it here.
REMEMBER: In order to be eligible for the prizes, you must SIGN UP and then answer the questions via the Google Form below.
Now, let's discuss what you read during the week, Deity, Chapters 1-11.
Here's what I thought about the chapters I read so far:
I am so excited to finally be starting Deity. A ton of crazy things happen in this book and I remember falling so in love with it. So the first 11 chapters was pretty good. I definitely get more of a foreboding feeling after reading all of the books so close together now. Also, I'm so mad at Seth. He kept so much from Alex, lying to her so many times. Why didn't I realize this before?! Not that I didn't see it, I guess, it's just, I think I was more accepting of Seth's flaws and even now, I still have hope that he'll redeem himself in Sentinel. I can see that, in his mind, he believes that what he's doing is right, as opposed to Lucian, who is only looking out for himself. Anyways, some highlights from these chapters include Alex finding out about her father, and how things progress with Alex and her friends (Luke and Olivia). Also, I can't forget about Aiden. Sigh...
Here's what some readers had to say about Pure, Chapters 14-27:
Heather Self says "Mother lovin SETH!! Grrr...he needs to take a flying freaking leap!! Choke on his own Akasha. DO. NOT. LIKE." (LMAO!)
Michelle says "I loved chapters 14-27, especially seeing the characters in the New York Covenant, out of their usual habitat and somewhere which they weren't as comfortable in. The tense relationship between Alex and Aiden was so frustrating to read and all the Seth and Alex scenes felt kinda wrong - but it also explores Alex and her relationships which was, interesting to say the least."
Mary Perez says "I am 100% #TeamAiden. But I gotta say I definitely enjoyed Alex and Seth's bonding in this novel. It added an extra hilariousness during the seriousness of situations."
Jennifer's favorite quote is "Stop shaking it like it's a damn Etch-A-Sketch, That doesn't make them disappear"
Be sure to come back here next Friday to discuss the chapters we read and answer some questions for your chance at winning some pretty cool prizes!
Next up, we'll be reading Chapters 12-23 of Deity.
So what did you think of the book so far?