Meet the Characters of The Dark Elements series
ICYMI, covers to the prequel and Book 1 in Jen's new series, The Dark Elements, was released this week.What do you think?
Jen shared with fans little tidbits about the main characters. I have to say, I am really feeling the model they chose for Roth. Very nice!
From Jen's blog:
What can I tell you about Layla? She’s a different character for me. While she has the snark of Alex and Katy, she is a tad more vulnerable due to her upbringing and what she is. My beta readers have claimed that Layla has some of the best internal dialogue lines. She, like my other characters, likes to string words together. She loves all things sugar and OJ. Actually she needs those things to survive. Layla is pretty awkward, but she knows how to fight and is willing to throw herself in the mix. She also has a thing for Big Macs.
From Jen's blog:
What can I tell you about Roth? Besides the fact that all my earlier readers have said they want to have demon babies? Which, by the way, just sounds all kinds of inappropriate. He has some one liners that… well, are so Roth. As some of you know, I wrote WHK back in 2011 and I based Daemon Black (from the Lux series) off of Roth when I’d shelved WHK. That alone should give you an indication of what you’re dealing with. Of course, Daemon eventually turned into his own character, but Roth was my original “bad boy” doing lots of bad things. Roth’s not a douche canoe like *cough* DB *cough* but he’s basically walking and talking sin. He’s covered in tattoos… special tattoos… and he’s pierced in, um, more than one location. He also likes to hum and has a thing for Disney character names.
And, of course, what post of Jen's wouldn't be complete without an awesome giveaway?! I swear, it's a wonder this woman has stuff left to give considering how generous she's been lately with all the giveaways! I love her!
Go enter HERE!