Covenant Read-Along: Week 8
Welcome to Week EIGHT of The Covenant Series Read-Along. If you want to know more about the Read-Along, sign up for it, and get all the details, check out this page here. You'll find links to all the weekly posts on that page, too.
Missed last week's discussion? You can find it here.
REMEMBER: In order to be eligible for the prizes, you must SIGN UP and then answer the questions via the Google Form below.
Now, let's discuss what you read during the week, Deity, Chapters 12-23.
Here's what I thought about the chapters I read so far:
Oh, boy! What an EPIC set of chapters! SO much happens! SO many FEELS!!!! First off, when Telly and Alex have their talk, let me tell you, I wanted to punch him so hard! Ugh! That man irks me! But, my girl Alex held it together. And when Aiden saw what happened?! Sigh...this was one of the times when Aiden's character really shined. The many ways that Aiden opened up to Alex, you can't help but swoon over the man. He is SWOON, defined! Oh, and when Alex was bleeding out?! Honestly, why does it take a moment like that for a guy to realize he can't live without you?! Men!! But, I can't fault the sexy beast, because he more than makes up for it afterwards. Oh, Chapter 22!!!!!! ALL THE FEELS, AIDEN!!! ALL. THE. FEELS. These two share some truly touching moments and it made for some truly memorable quotes. You can't help but root for them as a couple. Their love is palpable. It just leaps off the pages and into your heart. Once they finally come to terms with their feelings, it was great seeing them just talk and voice their thoughts and opinions to each other so freely. There was one scene, when they talk about just being there for each other and what love really means, I couldn't get enough of it. It was perfect seeing Alex be so strong and independent, Aiden so understanding and protective. They're equals. In love. Sigh...
Another one of my favorite moments would have to be when Alex was in the underworld. It was SO amazing to see an old friend and I loved how Jen described the underworld. And, seriously, what scene is funnier than when Alex meets Apollo for the first time?! Freaking hilarious! *POKE POKE*
I swear, it gets harder and harder to me to stop at the designated chapters every time! I was honestly cheesing the whole time I was reading these chapters, except maybe the Telly and stabbing scenes, lol. Truly enthralling writing that mesmerizes time and time again!
Here's what some readers had to say about Deity, Chapters 1-11:
Malia says "I began to loathe Seth, but I still had a little room of hope for him. I still do ... "
Borgild says "What I love most about the start of deity is that Alex and Aiden is spending more time together. Yey! I could't stand when they were fighting. And that Seth is leaving in the winter brake, it's a really good thing for Alex. Because with him gone she can think clearly, and she starts to question him more. And of course she's spending more time with Aiden without Seth being in the way. *Happy dance*"
Michelle says "I loved the library scene, it's been a while since we've seen full on Alex and Aiden banter and even that small line, "he offered to pay for art classes at one point. I punched him in the arm for that," just made me smile and remember how well they fit together before everything that happened. "
Be sure to come back here next Friday to discuss the chapters we read and answer some questions for your chance at winning some pretty cool prizes!
Next up, we'll be reading Chapters 24-34 of Deity.
So what did you think of the book so far?