Covenant Read-Along: Week 10
Welcome to Week TEN of The Covenant Series Read-Along. If you want to know more about the Read-Along, sign up for it, and get all the details, check out this page here. You'll find links to all the weekly posts on that page, too.
Missed last week's discussion? You can find it here.
REMEMBER: In order to be eligible for the prizes, you must SIGN UP and then answer the questions via the Google Form below.
Now, let's discuss what you read during the week, Elixir.
Here's what I thought about the chapters I read so far:
Oh, Aiden, way to tug at my heartstrings and really make wanna ugly cry for you! I swear, Jen packs quite a punch in about 80 pages! Sigh, it just breaks my heart knowing that Aiden's heart is breaking over Alex's ordeal. Having to do the one thing she hates most, just to help save her, that really blows. I loved being inside Aiden's head, even though it was during an emotional time. If you didn't love Aiden already (and really, how could you NOT?!), you will after reading this! Sigh, Aiden, WHY YOU NO REAL?!?!
Here's what some readers had to say about Deity, Chapters 24-34:
Mary Perez says "I thought Aiden couldn't get any better, but JLA proved me wrong once again in this novel. Deity has got to be my favorite novel in this series. It had everything I needed plus loads of smexy Aiden scenes"
Jennifer says "Seth made me so sad in this part of the book, he turned so creepy and I was actually worried for Alex. Damn Lucian and his brainwashing tactics, come back to us Seth!!!"
Borghild says ""I wouldn't say okay." Aiden grinned. "He actually punched me when he figured it out." Hahaha! Marcus punched him, that's so funny."
Michelle says "My favourite scene was probably the fight scene, where everything was super tense and Alex still tried to show Seth the good in him. My other favourite scene, was when they were at the cabin after the fight, where everything was, for a bit, calm and back to normal; the rose necklace was just so sweet of Aiden as well."
Richa says "The best part? Aiden and Alex's relationship. It's so amazing to see how much they care for each other and how they'd willingly sacrifice themselves for the other."
Be sure to come back here next Friday to discuss the chapters we read and answer some questions for your chance at winning some pretty cool prizes!
Next up, we'll be reading Chapters 1-10 of Apollyon.
So what did you think of the book so far?